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How to Change Google Chrome's Color Scheme

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meta color code

How to Change Meta theme color code?

Starting in version 39 of Chrome for Android on Lollipop, you’ll now be able to use the theme-color meta tag to set the toolbar color—this means no more Seattle gray toolbars! The syntax is pretty simple: add a meta tag to your page’s

< head> 

code insert here

< /head>
with the name="theme-color", and set the content to any valid CSS color. Add 3 Code (Recommended)

Add Code To Your html (Android)

< meta content='#3F51B5' name='theme-color'/>

Add Code To Your html (Apple Iphone)

< meta content='#3F51B5' name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style'/>

Add Code To Your html (chrome)

< meta content='#3F51B5' name='msapplication-navbutton-color'/>

How To Change Tab icon in Browser

Add Code To Your html (ALL Device)

In addition, Chrome will show beautiful high-res favicons when they’re provided. Chrome for Android picks the highest res icon that you provide, and we recommend providing a 192×192px (Recommended size) PNG file.

< link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="favicon.png"/>

I made it for BEGINNERS(!) The guide is very detailed, yet very easy to follow – even if you’re not very technical.

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