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Why Is Google AdSense Not Approving My Website?

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If you’re facing difficulties with AdSense approval, there could be several reasons behind it.

Ensure that you have the correct Google Publisher Tag installed on your website. The tag is essential for AdSense to function properly, so make sure to follow the instructions provided by Google’s help center to install it correctly.

Make sure you are using Google AdSense as your primary ad network. While it’s possible to use multiple ad networks, Google prefers exclusive placements and may not approve your site if you’re heavily relying on other networks.

Verify the accuracy of your web traffic data. Inaccurate or misleading information about your audience can affect ad targeting, leading to potential issues with approval. Double-check your site’s statistics and make sure they accurately reflect your traffic sources and demographics.

By addressing these factors and taking the necessary steps, you can increase your chances of getting approved by AdSense and start monetizing your website effectively.

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